Evidence-based interventions for depression with a compassionate, client-centered approach

Therapy for depression

Does this resonate?

You manage day-to-day tasks but feel empty inside. You feel exhausted to the point where you feel hopeless that you’ll ever find energy again. You try to numb by turning to mindless habits, like scrolling social media, eating junk food, or video gaming for hours. Small irritations become major triggers for not feeling good enough.  There’s a persistent critical inner voice that comments on everything you do to the point where nothing feels enjoyable, not even the activities you used to love.

Light streams in on welcoming therapy couch

So, you hide. You hide physically by isolating from family and friends. You hide emotionally by masking how you feel because you don’t want to be a burden, appear weak, or draw attention to yourself. 

It doesn’t work. You just feel more alone and hopeless.

There is hope!

You deserve to calm your mind, gain mastery of your depression, and start living the life you want.

Together, we will explore the complex roots of your depression and practice evidence-based coping strategies to:

• Mindfully stay in the present moment and stop ruminating on past experiences

• Investigate and challenge the thoughts and behaviors that maintain depression

• Detach from your critical inner voice

• Increase self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect

• Reconnect with the people and purposes that make your life worth living

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Start living the life you want.