Evidence-based interventions for anxiety with a compassionate, client-centered approach

Therapy for anxiety

Can you relate?

From the outside, you look calm. You excel at your job, handle all of your finances, balance your home life, and maintain your relationships. On the inside, you struggle with stress, self-doubt, and the fear of not being good enough.  You criticize yourself constantly. And, you just can’t seem to shake those “what if” questions: what if I do or say the wrong thing? What if someone is unhappy with me? 

Welcoming orange couch with fearless book stack

So, you try to gain control. Control of your thoughts and emotions. Control of the situation. Control of how others respond to you.

It doesn’t work. You constantly feel on edge. It’s hard to sleep, and you have muscle tension and headaches. You feel irritable and it’s affecting your relationships.

You don’t have to feel like this!

You deserve to calm your mind, gain mastery of your anxiety, and start living the life you want.

Together, we will explore the complex factors for your anxiety and practice evidence-based coping strategies to:

• Mindfully stay in the present moment and stop focusing on “what if” thoughts of the future

• Relax to decrease muscle tightness and tension headaches

• Investigate and challenge the thoughts and behaviors that maintain anxiety

• Let go of perfectionism and imposter syndrome

• Increase self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect

• Make decisions that align with your personal values

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Start living the life you want.