Evidence-based interventions for anger with a compassionate, client-centered approach

Therapy for anger

You get angry easily. Annoyances like sitting in traffic or a hidden fee can trigger you to scream or throw things. Or, maybe you quietly ruminate and make passive-aggressive comments to express your anger in a way that avoids confrontation. These outbursts and comments feel cathartic in the moment, but lead to conflict with family, friends, or at work. Your anger feels justified and necessary to gain respect, but it often just leaves you feeling misunderstood and isolated.

Sound familiar?

Mid-century modern therapy couch with fiddle leaf fig plant

So, you try to suppress and avoid your anger. You push it down and pretend to feel OK. You tell yourself that you shouldn’t feel angry.

It doesn’t work. Anger comes out at unexpected times, in unexpected ways.

It doesn’t have to be like this!

You deserve to calm your mind, gain mastery of your anger, and start living the life you want.

Together, we will identify your specific triggers for anger and explore the short-term and long-term consequences of unhealthy anger expression. We will practice evidence-based coping strategies to:

• Mindfully stay in the present moment and stop ruminating on angering experiences

• Relax to decrease heart rate and muscle tension

• Investigate and challenge the thoughts and behaviors that maintain anger

• Resolve conflict in a way that allows you to feel good about yourself afterwards

• Rebuild relationships that have been damaged by your anger

Start living the life you want.